Beck Family 7. Stuart and Keri have been married 10 years and counting. We have 4 boys and a daughter. Brandon(17), Damon(17), Nathan(15), and Gwen(4), Cannon (2 months). Residing in South Orange County.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
What is summer without a little hose play?
We frequently eat dinner out on our front porch to escape the heat in our house, you know, trying to save money not turning on the AC. We usually put Gwen in her exersaucer while we eat but this night she was particularly fussy. Dad always has a unique way of calming her down or keeping her entertained. He is always trying new things. This time I came out with my dinner to find my little Gwenie getting soaked in her clothes on the ground with the hose. At first, I was griping about her on the dirty ground, then about her being in her clothes, but after I saw how much fun she was having, I couldn't gripe anymore. This kid is fearless. She had a blast. It kept her busy with fun the whole dinner and then some.
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