Nathan bought Gwen a starfish at the shell store in Morro Bay

Morro Rock

The performing Seals
This was an attention getter, A Bugatti on cannery row
Monterey Bay. The boys found a cave.
Fisherman's Wharf
Sharing her lollipop
Clam Chowder in bread bowls on Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey Bay
Cannery Row
Gwen drooling over the candy store
Oh yeah, we got the boys each their own Ferrari
Bike ride through Monterey Bay
The Bay
The Beach at the Bay
Family Picture at Cannery Row
Santa Cruz roller coaster
Santa Cruz Boardwalk ride. The boys are on it.
Out to dinner in Monterey with Krista and Ryan
Steamer Lane in Santa Cruz
Gwen's horse
Santa Cruz Boardwalk

Horse back riding in Santa Barbara

Mini golf, horse shoes, play structure, tennis, volleyball in Santa Barbara.
Santa Barbara swimming pool at our campsite
Cabrillo Beach
Santa Barbara

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